PHE department is responsible for construction of new Water Lines, new Sewerage Lines and new Drainage Lines along with maintenance of existing Water Lines, existing Sewerage Lines and existing Drainage Lines. PHE department is also responsible for providing Ferrule (Water), Sewerage and Drainage connection to newly constructed buildings.

New water, sewerage and drainage connection

Against the sanction of Building Completion Certificate to the concerned citizen a copy of the same is sent to the PHE department by the Building Plan department along with sanctioned Water, Sewerage and Drainage Plan which is received by the department staff.

There is a specific application form to apply for the Water, Sewerage and Drainage connection to the building.

An applicant submits the application form for Water, Sewerage and Drainage connection along with the Building Completion Certificate and sanctioned Water, Sewerage and Drainage Plan. The application is addressed to Executive Engineer (EE).

Department staff opens a new file for each application and attaches the copy of the Completion Certificate and Sanctioned Water, Sewerage and Drainage Plan received from Building Plan department to the application and sends it to the Sub Assistant Engineer (SAE).

The concerned SAE inspects the site and checks the building construction as per the sanctioned Water, Sewerage and Drainage Plan.

In case of discrepancy the applicant is communicated the same through letter signed by EE and directed to comply.

Upon successful site inspection SAE mentions his remarks in the note sheet along with the fees for providing Water, Sewerage and Drainage connection.

Based on the type of building and population density of the building the Water Line diameter is decided. Based on the waterline diameter the fees for Water, Sewerage and Drainage connection is finalized as per the predefined chart.

On approval of EE the Challan for payment of Water, Sewerage and Drainage connection charge is generated by the department staff.

The challan is provided to the applicant for payment. Applicant deposits the amount at the Bank and submits a copy of bank receipt as the payment confirmation.

On confirmation of payment the concerned contractor of the area is directed to provide the necessary connection by the SAE/Department Staff. The connection is provided within 2 days of payment confirmation.

There is a contractor selected for a specific area to provide Water, Sewerage and Drainage connections to the newly constructed buildings. The contractor is selected for a year.

In case of any issue in the connection, the concerned applicant can submit a written complain at the corporation addressing to EE.

EE allots the complaint for enquire to SAE through AE.

The complaint is attached to the concerned file and SAE visits the site and checks the issue and mentions his remarks in the note sheet and the file is sent to EE through AE.

Based on the remarks of the SAE appropriate penalty is imposed on the contractor by EE and the contractor is directed to rectify the mistake.


Documents required:

Building Completion Certificate/Occupancy Certificate

Booking of Water tank & Garbage Vat

Separate registers are maintained for booking of water tanker and garbage vat.

For the booking of above mentioned facilities an applicant needs to submit an application at the counter of the Corporation.

The concerned department staff at the counter checks the availability of the facility on the requested day in the Booking Register.

If available then the department staff generates a challan as per the rate chart and gives it to the applicant for payment at the Bank.

The applicant deposits the amount at the bank and submits the bank receipt copy at the counter.

The department staff keeps one copy of the challan in the file as booking reference and the other copy is given back to the applicant with the confirmation of booking. The booking details is recorded in the booking register.

The driver of the water tanker is instructed to supply water at the required venue on the specified date and time.

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Municipal Affairs: Department of Urban Development

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