Bidhannagar Pouro Bhavan
Bidhannagar Mela 2017
Swimming Competition 2017
Bidhannagar Sport Complex
Bidhannagar Children's Park
Bidhannagar Municipal School
Vivekananda Yuba Bharati Krirangan (VYBK) will host, what is a first ever football World Cup final to be played on Indian soil
A view of the renovated Salt Lake Stadium - FIFA Elated With Facilities at New-look Salt Lake Stadium
FIFA U-17 World Cup: Salt Late Stadium Gears Up for the Tournament


Recruitment Notice

Name of the selected candidates for appointment to the post of Health Officer, BMC


Name of the selected candidates for appointment to the post of Superintendent of Bidhannagar Matrisadan & Hospital , Salt Lake and Vidyasagar Matrisadan & Hospital , Narayanpur under BMC




Notice directed to remove all unauthorised hoardings, advertisements and or banners


Recruitment Notice

Notice for engagement of Health Officer in Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation on contractual basis




Recruitment Notice

1.Name of the selected candidates for appointment to the post of "Part Time Medical Officer (P.T.M.O)" at Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, as per vacancy notified as on 02.08.2024. Ref this Office Memo no-3605/BMC/GS/2024, Dated-02.08.2024


2.Name of the selected candidates for appointment to the post of "Sanitary Inspector(S.I.)" at Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, as per vacancy notified as on 02.08.2024. Ref this Office Memo no-3607/BMC/GS/2024, Dated-02.08.2024




Recruitment Notice


1. Name of the selected candidates for appointment to the post of "Honorary Health Worker"(HHW) at Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation, as per vacancy notified as on 01.06.2023. Ref no- BMC/Health/2024/38, Dated-18.01.2024

2. List of names of the candidates included in the additional panel for appointment against any subsequent vacancy in the post of "Honorary Health Worker "(HHW) at Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation. Ref No-BMC/Health /2024/38, Dated-18.01.2024




Recruitment Notice


Walk in interview for the post of  Part Time Medical Officers & Sanitary Inspector for Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation.

1. Recruitment Notice for the post of  Part Time Medical Officers

2. Recruitment Notice for the post of Sanitary Inspector




Engagement of HHW to fill up the vacancies as on 01.06.2023
at Bidhannagar M.C.


List of ineligible candidates with reasons for rejection:-.

In compliance with the SUDA Notification (Memo No. SUDA-11017 (18)/1 (2021)/9727 (50), date: 29.12.2023), Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation published a Recruitment Notice on 23.01.2024, in the BMC website ( and an abridged version in three News papers. (Memo No. BMC/Health/2024/38, Date: 18.01.2024).

Subsequently, within the last date of receiving application (12.02.2024), total 265 applications were submitted.

After scrutiny, 94 (ninety four) applications have been rejected for not fulfilling the prescribed criteria. A list enclosed with individual reasons for rejection.

List 1

During interview process (05th. and 06th. March 2024), further 6 (six) candidates have been declared rejected for their overage i.e. age more than 40 yrs. as on 01.01.2024.

List 2



List of Temporary mobile outlets of Sufal Bangla which will operate w.e.f. 24.06.2024

Sl No. Location Timing Frequency Name of the Franchisee
1 Poura Bhawan, FD-415, Salt
Lake, Sector- III, Ward No-9
Morning Daily Avant Garde Farmers
Producer Co. Ltd.
2 Salt lake, Sector-3, FC block. Morning Daily Avant Garde Farmers
Producer Co. Ltd.
3 CB 85 New Town Morning Daily Bhangar Vegetable Producer
Co. Ltd.
4 Near Siddha Galaxy (Rajarhat) Morning Daily Bhangar Vegetable Producer
Co. Ltd.
5 Near Lake Market Morning Daily Ghatakpukur Agro Producer
Co. Ltd.
6 Near Saltlake CA Market. Morning Daily Ghatakpukur Agro Producer
Co. Ltd.
7 CB Block Community Market, CB Block, Action Area IC, New Town Evening Daily Ranaghat Agro Producer Co. Ltd.
8 GC-Block, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 106 Morning Daily Ranaghat Agro Producer Co. Ltd.
9 At Ward No. 106, KMC Morning Daily Shonpur Farmers Producer Co. Ltd.
10 At AA Block Saltlake Morning Daily Shonpur Farmers Producer Co. Ltd.




Property Tax for F.Y. 2024-25

(This is to bring to the notice of all citizens residing within the jurisdiction of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation that in terms of Sec-140 & Sec-160 of The West Bengal Municipal Corporation Act 2006 and the decision of the Board of Councillors, Simple Interest @ 10% and penalty @10% will be payable from 01.04.2024 against the arrear property tax as it stands on 31.03.2024.)


Garbage Tax (conservancy charges) @ 1% of Annual Valuation & Sewerage Tax @ 0.75% of Annual Valuation  are applicable in Property Tax bills from the Financial Year:  2024-25 for Ward Nos: 1 to 41.


Property Tax collection for the F.Y: 2024-25 has started from 24.04.2024. Citizens can pay the Property Tax Online or Offline by Cash/Cheque/Demand Draft at the designated HDFC bank branches within Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation area and Tax Collection Offices between 11 AM to 3 PM on any working day on and from 24.04.2024.


                                 By Order
                                   Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation




Property Tax for F.Y. 2024-25



A.      For Ward no: 1 to 26:


Citizens of ward no - 1 to 26 can pay Property Tax for the F.Y. 2024-25 from 24.04.2024 as usual from 11AM to 3PM.

Tax Collection Offices -

1.       Poura Bhawan, Ground Floor (FD-415A, Salt Lake, Sec-III, Kolkata-700106)

2.       Office of the Borough-I

3.       Office of the Borough-II

4.       Office of the Borough-III

5.       Kestopur Tax Office

6.       Tegharia Panchayet Office (Tegharia Nisikanan, PO- Hatiara, PS-Baguiati, Kol-700157- Opposite Singha Bari)


7. HDFC Bank Branches –

i)       Branch Name       : Baguiati
Address : H/J2, Rajarhat Road, Kolkata-700059

ii) Branch name        : Raghunathpur
Address : Dhariwal House on VIP Road, Dist. – North 24 Parganas, Kolkata-700059

iii) Branch name        : Kestopur
Address : Akashdeep Apt, Prafulla Kanan, 3AC/232,Anurupa Pally Rd,Kolkata-700101



B. For Ward no: 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40 & 41

For citizens of Ward no. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40 & 41, offline demand notice of Property Tax for the F.Y. 2024-25 will be available from 4th week of April 2024. However they can pay Property Tax online from 24.04.2024.


Tax Collection Office -

1.       Poura Bhawan, Ground Floor (FD-415A, Salt Lake, Sec-III, Kolkata-700106)


2. HDFC Bank Branches –

i)       Branch Name       : Salt Lake- Sec-I
Address : BB-22, Sec-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064

ii) Branch Name : Salt Lake- Sec-II
Address : CJ/166, Sec-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

iii) Branch Name : Salt Lake- Sec-III
Address : IB-154, Kolkata-700106




This is to bring to the notice of all citizens residing within the jurisdiction of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation that in terms of Sec-140 & Sec-160 of The West Bengal Municipal Corporation Act 2006 and the decision of the Board of Councillors, Simple Interest @ 10% and penalty @10% will be payable from 01.04.2024 against the arrear property tax as it stands on 31.03.2024.

By Order
Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation  


এতদ্বারা বিধাননগর পৌরনিগম এলাকায় বসবাসকারী নাগরিকদের জানানো যাচ্ছে যে, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ পৌরনিগম আইন, ২০০৬-এর ১৪০ নং এবং ১৬০ নং ধারা অনুযায়ী এবং বিধাননগর পৌরনিগম কর্তৃপক্ষের সিদ্ধান্ত অনুসারে ৩১/০৩/২০২৪ অবধি সকল বকেয়া পৌরকরের উপর ১০ শতাংশ হারে সরল সুদ এবং ১০ শতাংশ হারে জরিমানা আগামী ১লা এপ্রিল ২০২৪ থেকে ধার্য্য হবে।

   বিধাননগর পৌরনিগম  



Dengue Helpline No- 6292234126


Notice on E-Mutation

E-Mutation of properties under Ward No 1-28 will commence on and from 29.07.2022. Citizens are requested to visit the following URL for submitting the application for mutation.

URL for application:

(Other Services –Citizen Login) Option 5: Mutation.

Guidelines for filling up the application form are given below.

User Manual  

Guideline ( In English)


Guideline ( In Bengali)


Public Notification regarding the Annual Application Fees and Annual Municipal Charges against all the approved trades of Bidhannagar Municipal Corporation








Contribute to West Bengal State Emergency Relief Fund for COVID-19 Fight






Date: 24.06.2020


In addition to online payment modes citizens can now pay property tax for the FY 2020-21 in Cash/ Cheque/ DD at Borough I, II, III & BMC HQ (Poura Bhavan) and at the designated bank branches of HDFC at Saltlake &Rajarhat.




Date: 13.01.2020


The facility of paying Property Tax through Debit & Credit Cards (VISA, Mastercard, Rupay) will be made available from 15.01.2020 at BMC, HQ & the Borough Offices 1, 2 & 3. This is in addition to the existing payment modes (CASH/DEMAND DRAFT/CHEQUE/ONLINE)

For detail visit: Office Notice Board.





Smt. Mamata Banerjee

Hon'ble Chief Minister, GoWB

Smt. Krishna Chakraborty

Hon'ble Mayor

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